*55* Test Case 7816_C_10: This test checks the Secure Messaging coding of a
** SelectFile and ReadBinary (B0) w/o SFI (positive tests)
** The LDS application MUST be selected and BAC MUST be active.
** 1. Send the given SelectFile APDU encoded as a valid SM APDU to the test object.
** (R = ; C = ). The e-Passport MUST return 90 00 status byte.
** 2. Search for the status word DO encoded in tag 99 and verify status word received.
** The response of step 1 MUST contain a status word encoded in tag 99 that
** MUST equal the received status word of the secured response.
** 3. Search for the cryptographic checksum DO encoded in tag 8E and verify it with current session key.
0C A4 02 0C 15 87 09 01 R 8E 08 C 00 (90 00)
COMMAND> Secure Messaging of a SelectFile...
Basic Access Control is active
APDU: 0c a4 02 0c 15 87 09 01 36 ed b3 99 1f 90 fb 17 8e 08 06 d3 b5 3c 4e 3c 75 26
SW = 61 0e
Response: Process completed: SW2 indicates the number of response bytes still available = e
COMMAND> Get Response...
APDU: 00 c0 00 00 0e
Data (14 bytes): 99 02 90 00 8e 08 1b ca 3c d3 85 ce 3b 98
SW: 90 00
Response: OK Process completed
Verify RAPDU...
Tag '99' RAPDU is present
Status word DO encoded in tag 99 is: 9000
Tag '99' RAPDU is OK
No data in RAPDU
Response: 9000
Reading time this Test = 2.125 Seconds
---------OK Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*56* 4. Send the given ReadBinary APDU encoded as a valid SM APDU to the test object.
** The e-Passport MUST return 90 00 status byte.
** 5. Search for the cryptogram DO encoded in tag 87 and decrypt it with current session key.
** 6. Search for the status word DO encoded in tag 99 and verify status word received.
** 7. Search for the cryptographic checksum DO encoded in tag 8E and verify it with current session key.
** 8. Search for further DO. The response MUST NOT contain any further data but the trailing status word.
0C B0 00 00 0D 97 01 06 8E 08 C 00 (90 00)
COMMAND> Read Binary SM (Secure Messaging) (B0)...
Building Secure Messanging Object...
Read 6 bytes from file fid = '01 00'
APDU: 0c b0 00 00 0d 97 01 06 8e 08 d6 89 68 4e 85 eb 8f 6b
SW = 61 19
Response: Process completed: SW2 indicates the number of response bytes still available = 19
COMMAND> Get Response...
APDU: 00 c0 00 00 19
Data (25 bytes): 87 09 01 89 f3 d8 df 89 f2 67 d0 99 02 90 00 8e 08 2e cb ec 49 9e 07 1d 49
SW: 90 00
Response: OK Process completed
Response RAPDU: 87 09 01 89 f3 d8 df 89 f2 67 d0 99 02 90 00 8e 08 2e cb ec 49 9e 07 1d 49
Verify RAPDU and decrypt data in tag 87 with current session key...
Tag '87' RAPDU is present
Encrypted data in tag '87' (8 bytes): 89f3d8df89f267d0
Tag '99' RAPDU is present
Status word DO encoded in tag 99 is: 9000
Tag '99' RAPDU is OK
Decrypted data (6 bytes): 60 16 5f 01 04 30
Decrypted data is OK
Response: 9000
Reading time this Test = 2.235 Seconds
---------OK Test------------------------------------------------------------------------------