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Tokens and smart cards Aladdin


The users' cryptographic facilities, which are supported by complex Cesaris, can also be supplied. These facilities are required by the European legislation (Directive 1999/93/ЕС) for the qualified certificates. The main requirement is - the private key of the signature never leaves the device, which guarantees safety. To meet this requirement, all crypto functions should be integrated into such facilities, which as a rule have a special cryptographic processor, that's why these cards are also called Microprocessor cards).

eToken specification

- Built-in smart card chip;

- Hardware realized algorithms RSA/1024, DES, 3DES, SHA-1;

- Hardware Generating the Key pairs RSA/1024;

-Memory up to 64Kb integrated into the smart card chip;

- Operates as a USB-key or a smart card.

Modifications with memory of 16 Kb, 32 Kb, 64 Kb;

eToken PRO 64К is a new upgraded model of eToken PRO with memory of 64 Kb and intensified cryptographic functions - RSA/2048, DES, 3DES, SHA-1.


- Using CryptoAPI for Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Outlook; and also PKCS #11 for Netscape Communicator (Navigator, Messenger).


:: About | Products | Services | Publication | Analytics | Contacts |
:: e-Ukraine | "CESARIS" | CSP GOST 34.310 | the NBU format library | S/SMS | "FraudGuard" | Additional features | Examples | Questions (FAQ) |
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